Health Starts Here
Why Homeopathy?

Common Acute Ailments

Homeopathy is very effective in helping the body move through an acute illness faster if not eliminating it before it takes hold of the body. Acute illnesses such as colds, flus, ear infections, sore throats, upset stomachs, sprains, fractures, and even broken bones are some examples of what can be helped with a homeopathic remedy.
Individualized (Constitutional) Care
A deep acting remedy can be life changing. Constitutional care is used in the treatment of a chronic condition. This consists of an appointment that lasts about an hour and a half and allows the homeopath to learn all about you! A deep study goes into choosing a homeopathic remedy specific for the individual needs. It truly is individualistic care. Some conditions that can be treated are depression, Lyme disease, hormonal imbalances, grief, and much more.
All homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances. They are non-addicting and have no side effects. Remedies are safe to use for everyone, from babies to the elderly. Homeopathy can improve your health to the point that you may be able to eliminate medication, with doctor's approval.
A 44 month program that is administered by the parent to the child comprised of specific homeopathic remedies. The purpose is to educate the child's immune system around infectious disease in order to reduce susceptibility to infectious disease and to preserve a child's long term health.
FDA approved
All homeopathic remedies are manufactured in FDA approved pharmacies. Some remedies can even be found in your local Whole Foods or Vitamin Shoppe.
Children's Health

Homeopathy can help with common childhood ailments such as ear infections, strep throat, tonsillitis, upset stomachs/digestive issues, and ADD/ADHD.

My Background
I have a passion for health. I became a Registered Nurse in 1987 working in a variety of settings. I loved my job as a nurse, however, I noticed that I kept seeing the same people back with the same problems or worse and their health did not seem to be improving. I started looking around for a healthier option for wellness and vitality for my family and found homeopathy. Homeopathy is a practice that was discovered by a physician himself, Dr Samuel Hahnemann in the late 1800's. I was intrigued to know more about this healing art so I dove in to deep studies and came out of a 4 year program as a homeopath. I then proceeded to take the only certifying exam I could take in the field of Homeopathy.I became a Certified Classical Homeopath in 2015. I have since studied with several Masters in the field of Homeopathy and a graduate from The Dynamis School for Advanced Homeopathic Studies.My studies in the field continue today and I am always learning something new. I found my love for taking care of women and children in my nursing career could be continued in my now Homeopathic practice with homeopathic remedies that are non toxic and provide a more gentle approach to healing with out side effects!
When I am not seeing clients I enjoy traveling, camping, yoga and hiking with my dogs and family time!
Your Health Starts Here
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