More about Homeopathy
How does Homeopathy work?
"Homeo"= Similar
"Patheia" = Suffering
The practice of homeopathy is based on an observation called "The Law of Similars". Put simply, what a substance can cause, it can heal. For example, if you peel an onion, your eyes burn, itch, and water. You might also have a runny nose and begin to sneeze. If you had similar symptoms during a cold or allergy attack, the homeopathic remedy Allium cepa (red onion) would help your body heal itself.
A homeopath regards symptoms of an ailment as the body’s natural way of restore itself to balance. That is why a homeopath will choose a remedy that supports the symptoms—rather than opposing them or suppressing them. In conventional medicine, a cold or hayfever sufferer is given an antihistamine to dry up the runny nose and watery eyes artificially. But this medication often comes with unpleasant side effects, such as sleepiness and constipation. With the correct homeopathic remedy, however, there are no side effects and a person can be restored to health naturally.
Homeopathy is simple. It is the whole person who is affected by the disease and it is the whole person who responds to their individually chosen homeopathic remedy. This is why two people with the same disease will not necessarily receive the same homeopathic remedy.
Where did Homeopathy come from?
Homeopathy had its beginning in eighteenth century Germany, with Samuel Hahnemann, a physician and scholar whose practice included aristocracy and royalty. Disappointed in the results of the medicine that he and his colleagues were then using, Hahnemann left his prominent practice. He went on to discover a profound natural law, the Law of Similars, which became the foundation for homeopathy. The Law of Similars asserts that any substance which can cause symptoms when given to a healthy person can help to heal those who are experiencing similar symptoms when given in a very minute amount.
Who can benefit from Homeopathy?
Anyone Can!
Homeopathy is completely safe for everyone including pregnant women, newborns, children, and adults through the senior years. Many veterinarians use homeopathy in the treatment of animals, even plants enjoy the benefits of homeopathy! There are no known or suspected contraindications or drug interactions between homeopathic and conventional medication.
It's Easy to Get Started!
Contact me through email or a phone call and we will set up an appointment to meet. The initial consultation will take about an hour and a half of your time, shorter time for children.
This is basically a conversation that we have to get to know who you are as a person. Your likes, dislikes, types of food you like to eat, medical issues or problems and your health concerns. Based on the information received in the consult, along with your symptoms, a Homeopathic Remedy that best matches who you are at the time of the interview will be chosen for you. A follow up appointment will then be made for 4-6 weeks after the initial consult.Below is a little video used in the United Kingdom that gives a brief explanation of what to expect when you visit a homeopath. Homeopathy remains popular in England as well as other European countries and it has been integrated into their medical systems.