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Homeopathy and Pandemics

Writer's picture: Kathy MillerKathy Miller

Did you know that America had an epidemic in the past that was one of the most deadly?

What? you may be thinking... I don't remember hearing about that!

Well we did! It was the the Great Flu Pandemic 1918-1919. It’s estimated that more than 50 million people died during that epidemic – the vast majority from flu complicated with pneumonia. Fifty million...and once a person became infected - death followed quickly after.

Yet, patients in the care of homeopaths during this epidemic fared dramatically better than those treated by ordinary physicians.

  • Mortality rates for flu patients working with a homeopath averaged 0.70%. For those patients suffering with flu complicated by pneumonia – the death rate averaged 3.4% or less.

  • The mortality rate for patients with the flu in the care of ordinary medical doctors averaged 6%, and for those with flu complicated by pneumonia – between 25% and 30%.

During that crisis, the chance of surviving the flu complicated with pneumonia – the condition that killed 50 million people - was 148 (surviving) to 1 (death) for patients working with a homeopath.

The odds of surviving if one worked with an ordinary medical doctor? Just 16-1. And it was found that pregnant women were particularly vulnerable to harm during the Pandemic. What were their odds of surviving? Public health records show the odds for pregnant women of surviving flu complicated with pneumonia during this crisis were 135 to 1 under homeopathy and just 2 to 1 under ordinary care. Pregnant women were 41 times more likely to die if their care was provided by an ordinary physician.[The_flu_epidemic_after_World_War_I_and_homeopathy__an_international_comparison]_

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